Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday Outing

Yesterday Dembre got attend Church, go to North Market for lunch, and Goodale Park afterward to take a walk. He did a perfect "Under" for the whole church service. At North Market he didn't try to eat any food while under the table and responded calmly to people who asked to pet him. At the park he did great ignoring other dogs. He did pull towards one chattering squirrel, but after getting promptly corrected he didn't attempt it again. After being out for most of the day he was really exhausted and when we got back to the car and fell asleep and didn't wake up until we arrived home.

My friend also brought her CCI pupy, Neo to Church, but after that Dembre was the only working dog in the same place at the same time. It still feels weird to have people stare and then whisper as we pass by. Oh well, I guess I'll get used to it :-)


  1. You don't get used to the stares and whispers. It's always something that bothers me a little. Mostly the whispers though.

  2. How fun! Dembre sounds like a really good boy!

    It took me a while to get used to people staring. But now it doesn't even phase me, and I tend to tune people out when they're whispering or when kids say "LOOK A DOG!" You'll get used to it. :)

    There was one time when I was in WalMart, and a woman was staring at me, and moved in front of me, trying to see if I was blind. I ended up just staring back at her, smiling until she looked away. It was really awkward, but she probably felt pretty dumb, haha.

  3. Well, Dembre's coming along.

    Last fall one of my puppy raising friends and I were with a group of people and we were walking back from somewhere in Columbus really late at night. All the cars stopped when they saw here CCI puppy, thinking he was a guide dog! It happened to me on Sunday!


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