Friday, June 3, 2011

Prospects of a New Puppy

puppy #1

Yesterday I filled out my return puppy raiser application. Tonight my Dad is supposed to bring the printed off application home (since our printer isn't working). From there all we do is sign and give it to our puppy program manager. I could probably find out the puppy's letter and/or gender in a week or so!!!!!! I'm hoping for a female, but I put on the application that I have not preferences ( I believe in taking what you get)!!! It's so weird. I'm going to be getting puppy number two! I saw that a few other puppy raiser bloggers just requested a new puppy! I am very excited!!!! I am still quite happy to be raising Dembre though!

Puppy Number 2

~Elijah & Dembre
  P.S. My puppy could be born in the next couple of days


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Elijah and Hobart