Saturday, February 25, 2012

CCI video featuring our team training group :D

 Today I got a video sent to me by fellow blogger and CCI PR, Ashley ( It is a video about CCI and what they do! The best part about the video is that it is about the North Central Region and it takes place during Dembre's time in Team Training and shows shots from graduation! It shows a few clips of Dembre and Imelda together and also shows shots of a lot of my CCI friends :)
 Canine Companions for Independence (video)
If you look closely in the second shot of the graduation, you can see my back. I'm wearing a red sweater :P I'm happy that I got to see this :D
~Elijah & Hobart II


  1. That is SOOOOO beautiful - and such a well-done video. *tears*

  2. Very nice. So cool to see Dembre and Imelda working together!


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Elijah and Hobart