Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Emotions of a Puppy Raiser

I know that for some people the close bond between man and animal is hard to comprehend. To some a dog is a dog and there's nothing special about them. Someone asked why people need service dogs when there's so much technology. I responded by saying that its having a helping hand that cares that makes the difference. Dogs are very special and humans are able to bond with them.

As a puppy raiser there's a whole lot of great joy. There's getting your puppy, watching your puppy grow, funny moments, moments of pure bliss. With the joy comes pain. There's giving the puppy up, and many times seeing them released. There's always adventure. You explore the world through new eyes. Every time you go to the grocery store you begin to think of what you can do to make picking up food into a training session. It's really amazing. Sometimes there's difficulty and there are always memories made.
Some people don't understand the pain of giving up the dog you raised. After all it's only a dog. Dog people will be dog people. I'm sure that God has given us animals for friends, because they don't see as much of our faults and dedicate themselves to us fully!

~Elijah & Dembre


  1. Having a dog and working as a team is way more rewarding than using technology. And as you've pointed out, there is so much more that a service dog can do for a person than technology. Not to mention, some dogs love working and wouldn't be as fulfilled or happy if they weren't. :)

  2. You have such a way with words and are so astute. Dembre is lucky to have you as a puppy raiser and so is Dembre's future partner! He'll be such an awesome service dog thanks to your diligence.


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Elijah and Hobart